Training at Heal & Lead is fun for you and your dog. We use games-based methods which means that your dog is training without even knowing it. It’s not just for puppies either. It’s for all ages and stages of your pooch’s life, from the teenage years to old age and all that’s thrown at us in-between.

By making training fun for them it’s also easier for us to keep up outside of class. With the odd 2-minute game here and there it makes it easier to bring dog training into everyday life and share your training skills with the whole family so you are all working together to build your dog’s resilience to everyday situations. 

Every dog has the potential to behave as we would like, even if some days it feels like it’s well hidden!

Dog training classes in
Pensford, Nr Keynsham

Options for training your dog

Personal dog training,
in and near Keynsham or online

Guided dog walks
in and around Keynsham

Workshops in
Pensford, Nr Keynsham

Group dog training classes

All Stars - Puppy and Beginner Foundations

Class details:
Monday Evenings: 6:15pm - 7:15pm
Chapel Farm Rehab, Pensford, Nr Keynsham, BS39 4NE

£15 per class, paid monthly

Maximum six dogs in each class

Class details:
Monday Evenings: 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Chapel Farm Rehab, Pensford, Nr Keynsham, BS39 4NE

£15 per class, paid monthly

Maximum six dogs in each class

Who is this class suitable for?
Puppies, rescue dogs and anyone new to games-based training.

What will you and your dog learn?

Loose lead walking, recall, not jumping up, arousal up/arousal down, ‘Can you hear me?’, household manners, handling, loving equipment (harness, collar, muzzle, lead/longlines), plus any extra topics the participants want to cover.

We cover a lot in our classes, so after each session you will receive an email outlining what we have learned so you can continue to practice and build on your skills at home.

Super Stars - Taking your dog’s training to the next level

Who is this class suitable for?
Anyone who has previously attended my classes, a 1:1 with me or another games-based course with a ProDogTrainer.

What will you and your dog learn?

We will take all the skills learnt in the beginners classes to a new level. Plus adding in fitness and tricks.

Suitable for naughty but nice dogs, anxious dogs, repeat barkers, rescue dogs and anyone wishing to build their skills, relationship and have fun with their dog.

We cover a lot in our classes, so after each session you will receive an email outlining what we have learned so you can continue to practice and build on your skills at home.

Personal Dog training,
1-2-1 sessions tailored to your dog’s needs.

In person, in the Keynsham area


Guiding star:
£100 for two one hour sessions at your home.

Bright star:
£135 for three sessions at your home.

My bright star programme offers a third session with a bigger gap so you and your dog have more time to put into practice what I teach.

(you can upgrade within 6 months of your second session)

Online,  beyond the Keynsham area
(and for dogs who aren’t quite ready for visitors)


Guiding star:
£100 for two one hour sessions held on Zoom.

Bright star:
£135 for three sessions held on Zoom.

My bright star programme offers a third session with a bigger gap so you and your dog have more time to put into practice what I teach.

(you can upgrade within 6 months of your second session)

Who is this service suitable for?

Perhaps you have a young puppy, or a recently rescued dog without all their vaccinations. Maybe you have a dog with specific training needs like separation anxiety. Or they are highly anxious, reactive to other dogs, or sensitive to barking. 

This is for dogs who either live in Keynsham or are less than 15-minute drive away.

Why choose 1-2-1 training?

For these dogs being around other dogs can be stressful making it harder to learn. Choosing to start your training journey at home can be a very gentle way to make changes in your dog’s life. Building their skills in a place they feel safe and comfortable makes it easier for dogs to learn and grow.

We cover a lot in an hour so after each session you will receive an email outlining what we learned so you can continue to practice and build on your skills.

Who is this service suitable for?

Perhaps you have a young puppy, a recently rescued dog without all their vaccinations. Maybe you have a dog with specific training needs like separation anxiety. Or they are highly anxious, reactive to other dogs, or sensitive to barking.

This is for dogs who live more than a 15-minute drive away from Keynsham, or you have a dog who lives in Keynsham but for whom having a visitor to the home isn’t yet possible.

Why choose 1-2-1 training?

For these dogs being around other dogs can be stressful making it harder to learn. Choosing to start your training journey at home with a trainer online can be a very gentle way to make changes in your dog’s life. Building their skills in a place they feel safe and comfortable makes it easier for dogs to learn and grow.

We cover a lot in an hour so after each session you will receive an email outlining what we learned so you can continue to practice and build on your skills.

Guided dog walks near Keynsham


£15 per dog for 30 min walk
(maximum 4 dogs)

How to book
Simply send me an email using the button below and I will be in contact you within 48 hours

Who is this service suitable for?

Dogs and their humans who want to put into practice all their newfound skills in a less structured environment. This is for owners and dogs who have attended either my classes or 1-2-1 training sessions.

These walks won’t be suitable for every dog. They might not be ready yet or still find too many dogs a bit stressful. Simply contact me to see if these walks are suitable for your dog.

Why choose to come on a guided dog walk?

Classes and training sessions are well structured to help your dog be prepared for life outside of the classroom, but we know that sometimes putting things into practice can feel a little daunting. 

This is why I run my guided walks, they are a chance to go over what we have learned in a more true-to-life situation. With real-life distractions and going to different places I can help you put everything you have learnt into practice, in a small group.

Workshops coming soon

Sighthound, 4 hour workshop


£ tbc

How to book
Simply send me an email using the button below and I will be in contact you within 48 hours.

Date: tbc

I will be bringing together a workshop specifically for these independent characters.

The date and details will be added to my website as soon as possible. If you think you would be interested please send me an email and I will send you the full details when they are finalised.

“I have attended both group training and one to one with Erica. She has made a difference to all three of my dogs. We have made progress and improvements. Her teaching is clear and effective. I have attended a few other training classes and have found hers to be the best”
